Supporting our neighbors in need

Supporting our neighbors in need

Supporting our neighbors in need 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

With the high cost of groceries, many food pantries, including Westfed, are running short of food items. If you are able, please participate in our monthly food collection for our Westwood neighbors.

Westfed Food Pantry

This month, St. James is supporting Westfed Food Pantry by collecting bars of soap. Drop off your donation in the box marked Westfed in the narthex by August 4. If you can lend a hand once a month to help pack donations, please contact Linda Whittle.

My Neighbor’s Place

Donations of clothing, household items, and non-perishable food for My Neighbors Place can be dropped off at Westwood United Methodist Church, 3460 Epworth Ave., Monday through Thursday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Discretionary Fund donations

Pastor Mary has recently made a number of donations to individuals and neighborhood organizations and schools and would like to make donations to others. If you are in the position to do so, gifts to the St. James Discretionary Fund would be greatly appreciated. You can do so by check or online donation with a notation for the Discretionary Fund

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