
Adult discussion group returns

Adult discussion group returns 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

The Adult Discussion Group has returned on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. We will start the season reading and discussing the Sunday’s scriptures, in preparation for the sermon. Our discussions are lively and open. The group meets in the Quiet Room at the end of the hallway on the lower level. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Brian Mickle.

Choir begins rehearsals

Choir begins rehearsals 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

The choir has begun rehearsals. If you’re willing to lend your voice to making a joyful noise to God and for God’s people in worship, contact our Music Director Betty Richardson. Choir practice is Sunday at 9 a.m. in the Choir Room.

Supporting our neighbors in need

Supporting our neighbors in need 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

With the high cost of groceries, many food pantries, including Westfed, are running short of food items. If you are able, please participate in our monthly food collection for our Westwood neighbors.

Westfed Food Pantry

This month, St. James is supporting Westfed Food Pantry by collecting bars of soap. Drop off your donation in the box marked Westfed in the narthex by August 4. If you can lend a hand once a month to help pack donations, please contact Linda Whittle.

My Neighbor’s Place

Donations of clothing, household items, and non-perishable food for My Neighbors Place can be dropped off at Westwood United Methodist Church, 3460 Epworth Ave., Monday through Thursday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Discretionary Fund donations

Pastor Mary has recently made a number of donations to individuals and neighborhood organizations and schools and would like to make donations to others. If you are in the position to do so, gifts to the St. James Discretionary Fund would be greatly appreciated. You can do so by check or online donation with a notation for the Discretionary Fund

Episcopal visitation September 8

Episcopal visitation September 8 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

The Bishop of Southern Ohio, the Rt. Rev. Kristin White, will make her first episcopal visitation at St. James on September 8. If you are interested in being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church or in reaffirming your baptismal vows when Bishop White visits, please let Pastor Mary know by mid-August. 

Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer opportunities 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

We have many volunteer opportunities for people who like to get involved in the life of our parish and neighborhood. Here are few below:

Westwood Second Saturday, Aug. 10

Westwood Second Saturdays is a volunteer-run monthly street party in the heart of the Westwood Historic Business District. These themed street parties include craft beer, music, entertainment and activities for all ages! Consider signing up for a shift at the August Westwood Second Saturdays-Feast Event. They have 55 volunteer slots to fill to be able to host the event. There will be a drawing for a $25 gift card for everyone who volunteers. Sign up HERE.

Coffee Hour

We need coffee hour volunteers for some Sundays this summer. You can make it as simple or as elaborate as you wish. Volunteers handle setup and cleanup and provide the snacks and drinks. If you’ve never hosted coffee hour, someone will be willing to show you the ropes. The sign-up sheet is in the Community Hall near the kitchen door.

Counting and altar guild

Some of the essential tasks that keep parish life humming happen behind the scenes, which makes it less obvious when helped is needed. Counting the Sunday offering and preparing the altar for services are two of these opportunities. Both require an attention to detail that not everyone has, but if you do and are interested we would love to have you. Contact John Goodyear about counting. If you’re curious about Altar Guild, you can find out more by coming to the front of the church any Sunday.

Parish picnic August 18

Parish picnic August 18 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

All are invited to join in the fun at Harvest Home Park in Cheviot (3961 N Bend Rd.), on Sunday, August 18, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. We will be in the front shelter, close to the parking lot. There will be a short 10 a.m. service at St. James for guests and those unable to attend the picnic. A worship service will take place at Harvest Home around 11 a.m. followed by food and fun!

Brats, hotdogs and burgers will be provided. Water and lemonade will also be provided, but feel free to bring your own beverage if you prefer. Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share. Want to help? Contact Debbie Schoening.

Save the dates for the Westside Imagination Conference

Save the dates for the Westside Imagination Conference 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

The clergy from Westside Churches United–St. James, Gloria Dei Lutheran, Pilgrim UCC, Westwood UMC, and Westwood First Presbyterian–are planning for a weekend conference July 19-21: The Imagination Conference: Spirituality, Community, and Justice. Dr. Adam Clark, who spoke at Pub Theology in January, is going to be the keynote speaker on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Some leaders from Urban Light Community Church in Muncie, Ind., which has a focus on inclusion of differently abled people will also do a keynote on Saturday.

The conference will be centered on balancing contemplative and active life. We’re planning workshops on a variety of topics plus tours of My Neighbors Place and Cincinnati Urban Promise on Saturday. The hope is for there to be a Jammin’ with the James concert at Town Hall that evening. There will probably be a clergy “pulpit swap” on Sunday morning, and the weekend will end with an extended Pub Theology at WSB, possibly with Beer & Hymns and conversation about the weekend.

Vestry clerk needed

Vestry clerk needed 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

We are looking for someone to take on the position of vestry clerk beginning in May. Jane Neely graciously stepped in last year when we were in need of a clerk (secretary) for the vestry but did not intend to keep the job forever.

Vestry meetings are generally the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. with very occasional special meetings. The clerk can attend via Zoom. Meetings are recorded to aid in doing the minutes. Interested? Have questions? Contact Pastor Mary.

Coffee Hour volunteers needed

Coffee Hour volunteers needed 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

We need coffee hour volunteers for most Sundays this spring and summer. You can make it as simple or as elaborate as you wish. Volunteers handle setup and cleanup and provide the snacks and drinks.

The sign-up sheet is in the Community Hall near the kitchen door. On Sundays when no one signs up, everyone is welcome to gather afterwards, but there will not be any food or drinks.

Volunteer needed for college student care packages

Volunteer needed for college student care packages 150 150 St. James Episcopal Church

We send care packages to our college students twice a year with an assortment of fun or useful items along with notes from parishioners. Parishioner Barb Taber has prepared the packages for awhile and is ready for someone else to take it on. Packages are sent in late March or early April. It doesn’t take much time, but it means a lot to our students. Barb will assist a new person this spring.

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